by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch, Faith
SATURDAY LEARNS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS-SNEAK PEEK(20) Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 20. In this scene, Saturday, Kessy, Fluffernutter and Danielle are arriving home. “We set out this morning with questions that wanted answers.”...
by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch, Faith
SATURDAY LEARNS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS-SNEAK PEEK(19) Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 19. In this scene, Saturday, Kessy, Fluffernutter and Danielle are heading home. Butterfly leading the way to familiar home forest. ENJOY THIS EXCERPT:...
by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch, Faith
SATURDAY LEARNS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS-SNEAK PEEK(18) Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 18. In this scene, Moses finishes his teachings, and begins to fade away. ENJOY THIS EXCERPT: . “The Tenth Commandant, ‘do not covet,’ tells us not to...
by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch, Faith
SATURDAY LEARNS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS-SNEAK PEEK(17) Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 17. In this scene, Moses begins to explains “The other Six” Commandments. And Butterfly stretches her wings in the sun. ENJOY THIS EXCERPT:...
by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch
SATURDAY LEARNS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS-SNEAK PEEK(16) Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 16. In this scene, Moses explains the fifth Commandment: Honor your father and Mother. ENJOY THIS EXCERPT: “The rest of the Commandments tell us how we...
by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch, Faith
SATURDAY LEARNS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS-SNEAK PEEK(15) Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 15. In this scene, Moses explains idols. And how they may be things we don’t suspect. ENJOY THIS EXCERPT: “The second Commandant means more than...