A Dog Named Saturday
Package Set Special All 6 Saturday Books for $55.
Go to The Book Shop, Saturday will bring a smile to someone special
The Little Beagle with a Big Heart
A Dog Named Saturday
“Saturday carries love with him wherever he goes. Some dogs carry their toys. Some dogs carry their chewy bones. And some dogs carry their blankets. Saturday carries his love.
Why did I begin writing books about a dog named Saturday?
Some years ago, a sore, a wore out, tattered, mostly white with just a few patches of red, beagle wandered down our lane to the house.
He instantly stole our hearts. He had the sweetest, most loving way about him that beamed right through his sad condition. From the start his tail never stopped wagging. Since that day was a Saturday, Miss Robbie named him Saturday.
We doctored and cleaned him up, and Saturday bounced right back. With buckets of love and ceaseless affection, companionship and kindness – For everyone.
A Dog Named Saturday is a book for young people of all ages. Toddlers who love story time, children learning to read, and those reading chapter books on their own. You’ll find stories of exploring the wonders of the natural world, of joy, discovery, love and life lessons told by and with Saturday, a special beagle whose tail never stops wagging.
You’ll meet Kessy, the inquisitive, hay-munching horse; the trio of ever-entertaining barn kitties; and Dutch and Robbie too.
Saturday knows things of importance, like “Friends help you be who you are better.” And “Love is much better than everything, because with love everything is better.” And, “The very best thing about happy is everybody can have it.” Saturday is a very wise beagle indeed.
His adventures spring to life with the extraordinary illustrations of Troy Locker Palmer.
Saturday’s Newest Adventure
Saturday Learns The Ten Commandments
Saturday woke up one day and a question of “much important,” came to him. A question so big it caused Saturday to ponder more than any other question that wanted to be pondered ever had. “Why is it important to be good and not get into trouble? Why was it important to listen to Dutch? Why was it important to be friendly? Why is it important to be honest,” his question pondered.
So he sets out with, Kessy, Danielle and Fluffernutter to find the answer. Or answers. Into the forest their pondering leads them, where Butterfly guides them to a man named Moses. Here they listen as questions of importance find their answers. Guided only by God’s word, they learn the importance of the Ten Commandments.
Read about Saturday’s other adventures
Join Saturday and his friend as they go on an adventure to Chincoteague Island, Virginia to meet the wild ponies, climb a lighthouse and even see a rocket launch.
What better place to spend Christmas than in a barn. In Saturday Loved Christmas Saturday and his friends learn of the first Christmas from Mr. Dutch on Christmas Eve.
Become part of the Saturday adventures as you color and read Saturday’s stories.
Saturday and his friends visit a ship so big it will not fit in both eyes at the same time. It’s Noah’s Ark! While at the Ark they meet Steggy, a Stegosaur, who shows them animals of every kind, gives them a tour of the Ark and they even met Noah.