Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 18. In this scene, Moses finishes his teachings, and begins to fade away.



“The Tenth Commandant, ‘do not covet,’ tells us not to want what others have. We should respect others. Be satisfied with what you already have. Be grateful to God for what you have, for it is by Him you have all the things you have. Don’t want what doesn’t belong to you, for that leads to only sadness.” Moses said.

Saturday wondered about that Commandment, just a little bit. So he thought about it, until his thinking about it caused him to want to ask about it. So he did. “But sometimes I see things someone else has, and I think I’d like to have it too. Why is that not good?”

“Why is that not good,” Danielle asked too.

Moses tugged on Kessy’s mane, combing the long strands with his fingers. After what seemed a long time Moses said, “All of God’s rules given to us, are a guide to living a life of blessing so that we can be safe, happy and honor Him.”

“How does wanting something someone else has make me not honor God?” Kessy asked.

“When we look at other’s things, and want them for ourselves, we don’t appreciate the gifts God has already given us. So that makes us, and God unhappy.” Moses explained.

Saturday thought he could understand what Moses said. So he said so. “I think I understand, ‘do not covet’ now. It would be if I had 3 dog biscuits and saw that Fluffernutter had one, and I wanted that one too. I would not be enjoying the three God already gave me.”

“And that would make God not happy, and you not happy, and me not happy too,” Fluffernutter said.

Moses smiled his biggest smile yet.

And right before their eyes Moses began to fade away, like a rainbow growing dim in the sun.


Moses smiled his biggest smile yet.
And right before their eyes Moses began to fade away, like a rainbow growing dim in the sun.

“Remember God’s rules, the Ten Commandants, are for your sake.” His voice surrounded them, even as Moses grew more and more faint. “He gave them to me on stone tablets, carved by his own hand, so that His people could have a good, moral, and honorable life. He gave us His laws to protect us . . . They are not just idle words – They are there to protect you.”

And then Moses was gone.

Saturday was sad that Moses had gone. But he was grateful too that Butterfly had led them to Moses.

The forest was still bright, but not nearly as bright as when Moses was with them.

Enjoy these earlier sneak peeks from Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments:

Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments Sneak Peek (17)

And from there you can travel back through each of the previous “Sneak peeks.”


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