Howdy Friends! It was is a very cold winter when my mare Kessy developed full blown heaves. I share this story in the hopes some will find it useful.

It started with a cough


Kessy had developed a transient cough, so I began steaming her hay. That stopped the cough and the rare short breaths went away too. (See how to build your own hay steamer HERE).But later that winter her cough came back, I steamed the hay longer.

By the end of February she was coughing 4 or 5 times a day. These were real coughing spells of 5 to 10 coughs. I noticed her respiration rate was poor sometimes throughout the day, but mostly acceptable. For some time her breathing had gone through little spells where that happened but quickly improved to normal, so I figured it was doing the same.

yes you can cure heavesA Dog Named Saturday

As most of our rides are less than 2 hours and largely at a walk, I noticed no problems there either. Until our ride February 28, 2016 when she coughed several times. I didn’t notice shortness of breath, but now know she must have had.

That night she woke us with a coughing fit that lasted an hour! I stood with her in near panic administrating TTeam Touch circles. Her breathing deteriorated very quickly over the next days. Her respiration at rest was well into the twenties. Sometimes as high as 40.

Dr. Thomas and For Love of the Horse: I’ve written about Dr Thomas several times. Recognized as this country’s foremost Chinese Herbalist he practices Contemporary Chinese Herbalism, and heals many people, horses and dogs worldwide.

The first week of March I’d started her on Dr Thomas’ Total Immune Health, and figured that would fix it. I found out a few days later that while part of Doc’s protocol to heal Heaves is his Total Immune Health, it won’t heal it alone.

By now Kessy was coughing nearly every hour. I spoke to Doc and after a very comprehensive questionnaire he indeed diagnosed Heaves and shipped his Heaves Formula immediately. At this time, early March, Kessy’s reparation was always in the thirties. She coughed while eating, laying down, rolling and other times. Her breath, shallow and short.

Within days of starting Doc’s Heaves formula her breathing began to improve, her coughing spells were cut in half the first week. By the end of the second week of Doc’s treatment her respiration was in the twenties and she coughed about 3 to 5 times a day. I kept a journal and documented every coughing spell and respiration rate 4 times a day. Then we stalled, and even slipped back. She had 2 very bad relapses.

I sent detailed reports to Doc weekly, and he responded. After the second relapse he formulated a special blend for Kessy.

Doc’s pharmaceutical grade herbal blends HEAL

Now here we need to be sure you understand, what Doc’s pharmaceutical grade herbal blends do is “heal” not mask or manage. I have known folks whose horses have heaves for years and typical treatments are ongoing and never heal. That was not what I wanted for Kessy.

Doc explained we were indeed “healing” her bronchial passage ways and capillaries in her lungs and more. It would take time. But would indeed heal her.

With the new blend beginning in early April she improved remarkably. Within the first week her coughs were single quiet coughs and only once or twice a day. Her at-rest respiration was in the low twenties. We began short rides mid April, no coughs.

We followed on a full protocol of treatments, Total Immune Health and Kessy’s Special Cough Formula.

By the end of April she stopped coughing completely. And she maintained her respiration 14 to 16 at rest. Through the next weeks we had days of 80+ temps and “high pollen” alerts, nothing has fazed Kessy.

I began riding again in June that year. No coughs nor any short breaths. Worked back up to 2 hours, all was perfect. Kessy even insisted on a few canters and some gaiting. Post ride her respiration was 44, within 10 minutes, it was 18.

I was truly amazed by 2 things.

How quickly Kessy deteriorated. And how well Dr Thomas’ blends, and knowledge, can truly heal, not mask and manage. I kept Kessy on Doc’s herbal treatments for another 2 months. And yes Kessy is totally healed of full blown heaves.


I wrote that story about Kessy’s heaves and Doc’s Chinese Herbal treatments and healing Way back in – 5-9-16. I updated it to publish on my new blog here. Because I want to help as many people and horses as possible.

Today Kessy lives with my dear friend Janette Buch. Kessy is now 21, NEVER had a relapse and travels to many wonderful places with Janette. Jenette says Kessy is one of the best trail horses she’s ever known. Of course she is!! I had her 12 years, hahaha.

I feel as though I should explain.

When I had a stroke a few years back, I worried so about what might happen to my beloved Kessy. So I asked Jenette to take care of her for me. And they have become an incredible team! By God’s hand. And then God brought me Rosie a few years later. You can read a lot about her rehab on this blog too (much help by Dr Thomas for here too!)

Hope you find this thought provoking and helpful. YES, you can cure heaves!

You can find Dr. Thomas HERE. He truly is a healer. Don’t hesitate if your horse has Heaves. You can cure it! ~ Gitty Up, Dutch Henry.



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