Howdy Friends! Who are many really worshiping in churches, today? God is not only the God of Love. Love is but ONE aspect of His nature.

Christians have fashioned a new one-dimensional love-god-idol. Because it is no longer the Living God they’re worshiping. And they’re no longer Christians. So they are weak, too. And that is Sad.

When we focus on only one aspect of God’s nature – Love – To the exclusion of other aspects of God’s nature, we develop an out of balance, even a false, view of God. This is exactly what the proponents of the only-love God have done.

They have created a god in THEIR own image:

A god who tolerates all manner of wickedness; a god who embraces the latest moral fad; a god who will never punish a man or a woman, or a family, or a nation for their sins.

A false god

They have put forth a false god – and they worship at that comfortable alter. But that’s no worship at all. It is the false idolatry of a sadly misguided people.

There are three kinds of people – Believers, Non-Believers, and Make-Believers. Too many churches, pastors and Christians today are Make-Believers. And that is not only sad, it is harmful. Harmful to the people. Harmful to the church. Harmful to society.


What would the Apostle Paul say?

If Paul saw the church in America, we’d be getting a letter.

~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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