Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 5. In this scene Saturday stops in a sunspot to ponder a question of great important. And they meet Butterfly.

Let’s jump right into the excerpt:

“What are we looking for today?” Danielle asked just before she stretched out in the sunspot.


Danielle and the others were used to Saturday leading adventures in search of whatever Saturday was in search of at the time. Which, Saturday being a beagle with a thoughtful mind about things that needed to be thought about, happened often from time to time. And they all knew it was best to follow along. So they did.

Then Danielle said again, “What are we looking for today?”

“Questions of much important,” Saturday said. But then he thought about it and added, “Actually the questions are already here.” He scratched his ear. “I’ve decided I need to bring their answers to the questions and my thinking about it took me on a walk to see.”

“See what?” Fluffernutter said.

“See the answers.” Kessy said.

“Well really it was the first big question.” Saturday wagged his tail.
“Which one is that?” Kessy asked.

“How to ask Him, God, the answers to our questions about trouble, listening, honest, and friendly.” Saturday said in his thinking kind of voice.

Kessy reached up, snatched a big maple leaf from a branch and chewed it, slowly. As if she were thinking deeply and seriously. It was a look Saturday had seen before, so he knew she was.

“Maybe we just ask Him.” Kessy said after what seemed the right amount of thinking deeply time.

Saturday hadn’t thought of it in just that way. But now that Kessy said it right out loud it seemed to be the best thing to do. But then he thought a thought that worried him. It worried so big his thought went right out loud, all by itself. “How can just anybody, even an anybody who happens to be a beagle in the woods on a trail, ask God a question?” There the question helped itself in a surprisingly easy way.

A butterfly flew to a branch above Saturday.

More Sneak Peeks to Come:

Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments will be released soon. In the meantime, we’ll keep sharing Troy’s great illustrations and a peek every now and then.

In the meantime you can enjoy ALL of Saturday’s books right here in Saturday’s book store. ~ Gitty up, Dutch

Enjoy these earlier sneak peeks from, Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments:

Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments Sneak Peek (1)

Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments Sneak Peek (2)

Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments Sneak Peek (3)

Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments Sneak Peek (4)




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