Howdy Friends! Many of our equine companions have breathing issues, some not so bad, some deadly. But friends we must address them all, they can be made better, healed.

Totally cured my mare Kessy

Friends have read about my mare Kessy’s journey back to health from a severe bout with heaves 6 years ago. We did this with the guidance, treatment and contemporary Chinese Herbal blends of Dr. Thomas. (Heaves Solution)

The difference between the time (very, very long time) proven success of Chinese herbal “healing,” and medication “treatment,” is simply that – herbs heal, medication manages.

The herbal blends heal the bronchial passage ways and capillaries in the lungs – medications manage, while allowing further deterioration.

I asked Dr. Thomas to explain.

“Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid hormone that prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. That is this drug’s function and yet if you horse has a breathing problem any breathing problem the veterinarian is going to prescribe dexamethasone even though it solves no breathing issues. This medication is an immune suppressant and will therefore weaken your horse’s immune system making it easier for your horse to catch an infection or make a present infection worse. I hope this is enough my friend.” Dr. Thomas explained.

Other problems with Dexamethasone

In addition to suppressing the horse’s immune system, it (and many other corticosteroids) can cause founder, organ issues, and even digestion problems.

Contemporary Chinese Herbs HEAL they don’t “manage”

The difference is allopathic treatments tend more to manage and treat symptoms. Sadly I know more than a few folks who have there hoses on constant treatment with corticosteroids.

Where these time proven herbal remedies HEAL the root cause of the problem. AND treatment ends. With fully recovered health. Much better! Find Dr Thomas’ herbal blend for Heaves here.

My mare, Kessy was totally cured of a bad bout with heaves. Read that story here.

Everyone needs to make their own choices, but I wanted to share this. You CAN heal your horse. It’s important, for the horses. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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