coffee clutch

A Dog Named Saturday

Coffee Clutch got its name from the blog posts I wrote for years from the barn sitting enjoying my morning coffee with my mare, dogs, kitties and chickens. Folks really enjoyed them. Coffee Clutch is more than a newsletter. It’s a visit, it’s information, it’s fun, it’s musings, barn talk, writing talk, bird talk, horse talk and faith thoughts. And of course, it’s all the news about A DOG NAMED SATURDAY, old new and coming soon.

 I’ll share some of my works in progress, upcoming publications, and more. Folks enjoy “The Old Man on the Porch, and Grandpop too, so they’ll be dropping in.

Sign up to join the ride! ~ Gitty up, Dutch.



Howdy Friends! Following a resolution of Congress, President George Washington proclaimed Thursday the 26th of November 1789 a day of “public thanksgiving and prayer” devoted to “the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent Author of all the good...



Howdy Friends! Snow came early this year at Grandpop’s ranch. Driving up took some extra time. I wondered along the drive how Grandpop would be doing. Driving alone, my mind skipped around a bit remembering past Thanksgivings there. Most often a full house. Kid’s...

Giving Thanks to Our Animal Family Members

Giving Thanks to Our Animal Family Members

Howdy Friends! As we approach Thanksgiving Day and our minds, and tummies, focus on great food, gatherings, friends and family. And of course giving thanks, to our Heavenly Father from whom all blessings flow - It's wholly appropriate to include in our thoughts and...

Grandpop and Sportsmanship

Grandpop and Sportsmanship

  Howdy Friends!  Enjoy, "Grandpop and Sportsmanship." "Hey good to see ya, young fella," Grandpop stopped brushing ol' Blue, and waved me into the barn. I was surprised to find him in the barn. Usually on Sunday afternoons he'd take in a football game or two...

Veterans Day With Grandpop

Veterans Day With Grandpop

Howdy Friends! I'd missed a few years of Grandpop's Veterans Day rides. Those years when I was all self-assured that whatever I had to do was the most important thing. I'm sorry I missed those years. I'm happy Grandpop waited for me to come to my senses. I'm not sure...

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