by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
Howdy Friends! “Water for horses.” Everyone knows we must provide water for our horses, it is the most important nutrient, and yet this is an area often done along marginal lines. . Most folks know we need to keep water available in the hot summer months,...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
BELLY BUTTON ROTATION EXERCISE Howdy Friends! ~ “Rotation.” Or as I like to call it “Belly Button Exercise.” By any name, I recommend you master it and learn to use it often. It’s good for you, and wonderful for your horse. The benefits of this simple, easy to...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith
I’M 82 YEARS OLD – THE CHANGES I’VE SEEN Howdy Friends! The other day our friend Mary Lipginski commented on a post of mine that she was saddened by the course of our nation. I asked her to explain. Her response was so on point, I asked if I could use it as a blog...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith
IS VIRTUE OUT OF DATE Howdy Friends! The Value Of Virtue – Is Virtue out of date? .What is virtue? Webster defines virtue as morally good behavior or character: a good and moral quality: a commendable quality or trait: the good result that comes from something....
by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch, Faith
SATURDAY LEARNS TEN COMMANDMENTS (A Glimpse) Howdy Friends! It came to me one early morning while sitting with my mare, kitties and dog, that Saturday, the pondering and loving fellow he was, would one day discover the Ten Commandments. I hadn’t been thinking along...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
Howdy Friends! Horses and personalities, or people and their horse’s personalities. How about people misunderstanding their horse’s personalities. Perhaps, sometimes people are reluctant to believe horses have personalities. Or they believe they can change them. Could...