by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch
A Dog Named And then Saturday said, “Today the sun is being the sun again. Which is almost always a more sunny day than when the sun is being clouds, or when the sun is being rain. I think that is how it is, most of the time. And since the sun is being the sun...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith
Howdy Friends! Do we ever think about temptation? Temptation isn’t only about the big and easy to spot wrongs. But each day we are faced with tiny, not so obvious temptations. Do we ever think about those tiny missteps? The little bads no one will notice, and aren’t...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
To begin at the beginning. DSLD does not need to be a death sentence. Rosie is a 21 year old Paso-Fino mare I adopted 3 years ago. When we adopted Rosie she was horribly overweight from a constant lush grass habitat. She had terrible teeth, points growing through...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
Howdy Friends! Regarding Over-Vaccinations of our horses. “Most vaccinations for horses are for viruses. Veterinarian immunologists have proven scientifically that once vaccinated for a virus, resulting immunity lasts a lifetime.” Excerpt from my article...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith
Howdy Friends! A friend declared, “God help us!” I replied “Why should He?” To which my friend was shocked and said “Really?” So I explained: “We are an unrepentant nation with churches filled with traitors and whores. Traitors who slander God’s words for...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
Howdy Friends!P All things for a horse are better with an immune system firing on all cylinders. Protecting our horse’s healthy immune system is one of the most important things we can, and indeed should do, in my opinion. The thoughts I’m about to share are mine, you...