by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
Howdy Friends! There is a difference between a compliant horse and a willing partner. A horse trained into compliance by the use of dominant tactics, force or stiff unrelenting repetition and gadgets, will always feel the need to test each new rider, owner or...
by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch
Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 6. In this scene Saturday , Kessy, Danielle and Fluffernutter have met Butterfly. And begin to follow her. . ENJOY THIS EXCERPT: So Saturday decided right then to say out loud, “Dear God, why is it...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
ARMPIT RELEASE Howdy Friends! I’m passionate about promoting the understanding of the importance of maintaining your horse’s proper and healthy, posture and body carriage. Most of what we do with our horses destroy the horse’s posture and body...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch
THE OLD GNARLED STUMP Howdy Friends! The gnarled old stump is all that remains of what had surely been a towering majestic oak. Even today in its worn and weathered state, blackened, broken and misshapen by decades of wear born of freezing, baking in the sun, birds...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
TIPS FOR TRIMMING YOUR BAREFOOT HORSE Howdy Friends! Trimming your own barefoot horse is easy to do, and I encourage folks to learn how. One key piece of advice I like to give is, keep it simple. There seems to be a lot of conversation out there making a simple thing...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
SOMETIMES A HORSE JUST CAN’T Howdy Friends! Sometimes a horse simply can’t do what we ask. They are not disobeying—nor do they need more training, or discipline. We need to pay closer attention to our horse. And less to our own demands, desires. Sometimes I get broken...