by Dutch Henry | A Dog Named Saturday, Coffee Clutch
SATURDAY LEARNS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS-SNEAK PEEK10 Howdy Friends! Saturday Learns the Ten Commandments – Sneak Peek 10. In this scene, Moses tells them of the plagues God brought to Egypt. ENJOY THIS EXCERPT: “Perhaps I should tell you about other times when God spoke...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith, Old Man on the porch
SECULAR PHILOSOPHIES VS GOD’S WORD Howdy Friends! Secular philosophies cannot compare to the Truth of God’s Word. . God’s Word is more powerful, sharper, than man’s weak words. The word of man is no match for the Word of God since the Word of God is the POWER of GOD....
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith
COVENANT KEEPER or COVENANT BREAKERS Howdy Friends! We have either covenant keepers. Or covenant breakers. There is no middle ground. There is no “covenant maybe.” There is no “covenant sometimes.” You’re either a covenant keeper, or a covenant breaker. There is no...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
A PAIN IN YOUR HORSE’S BACK Howdy Friends! There’s no reason a horse can’t have a straight, firm topline into their 30’s. Of course, as always, there may be exceptions, but for most of our horses, that’s true. . What causes a horse to lose its...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith, Grandpop
GRANDPOP – THE POST HOLE DIGGER Howdy Friends! It had been a long day. Not as hot a the past few weeks, but warm enough to work up a sweat. This stretch of fence hadn’t been neglected, but Grandpop had not given it the attention it should have had. For about 20 years...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
ARE YOU LISTENING Howdy Friends! The other day I noticed a child of, I suppose 7 or so, trying oh so hard to get her mother’s understanding of a matter of what must have been great importance by the demonstration of arm flailing and hurried loud outbursts. Of...