The Equation is Backwards.

With a braced rider the horse cannot move fluidly, in a healthful manner.

When the rider is in neutral pelvis, and moving “with the horse,” the horse can respond in kind.

If the horse is forced on the forehand by a rider’s bracing, it can only become compliant, meaning the rider is in charge.

Creating a no choice position for the horse. Which is “controlling the is horse is what students are taught.

The equation is backwards.

What really needs is to be taught:

  • The powerful effect of elasticity and freedom in the rider’s body. Therefore returning twice as much from the horse, much faster, along with a lot of stress release, on both horse and rider.

As a rider you really need to look at yourself, and be willing to change.

Even the language we use is compressive, and invites students to squeeze, push and hold, which only increases the bracing during motion.

Neutral posture helps the rider override bracing and tension patterns in their body and while creating truly freer movement in the horse. Find your neutral, your horse will thank you. I teach posture, for the horse’s sake.

~ Gitty Up, Dutch.



Neutral posture helps the rider to override bracing and tension patterns in their body and their horse Neutral posture helps the rider override bracing and tension patterns in their body and while creating truly freer movement in the horse. Find your neutral, your horse will thank you. I teach posture, for the horse’s sake.

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