Howdy Friends! Christians must continue to sincerely defend truth. Even uncomfortable truth. Truth does not change. The True God is He who was, and is, and is to come. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. When God established His morality, it has not changed, and does not depend on the civil law of a given society. What is “lawful” will never change, regardless of what may be “legal.”

Jesus Affirms

A Dog Named Saturday, God is God forever

Jesus affirms that marriage is between a man and a woman only (Matt 19:1-12), and affirms marriage is the only context where a sexual relationship is moral. This eliminates any context where homosexuality is moral. (Rom 1:26–27, 1 Cor 6:9–10, and 1 Tim 1:9–10.)

Exercise of Religion

We have been given all that we need to live rightly and grow in the knowledge of Truth and obey it. Faith is more than belief! It is action and living according to sincerely held belief. This is what “exercise of religion” means.

False Teachers


Interesting how false teachers are mentioned 54 times in the NT, yet still draw so many crowds due to the majority of the public’s lack of discernment, lack of doctrinal understanding, lack of scriptural knowledge, personal desperation, and addiction to fringe thinking.

Cannot disregard God’s rules of morality

Consent, harm to society, and other intellectual based “proofs” are not the issue. When God established His morality, it has not changed, and does not depend on the civil law of a given society. What is “lawful” will never change, regardless of what may be “legal.”

A person cannot claim to be a Christian and consistently, intentionally disregard God’s rules of morality—any of them. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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