Howdy Friends! This morning’s Bible study had me in Genesis 47:13-27. Now the thing about those verses is haunting, if one reflects on today’s attitude of so many who are set on turning the state into America’s god.


But back to scripture – In earlier verses and chapters Joseph, after being appointed to manage all things Egyptian by Pharaoh, (except his throne), collected from all Egyptians a portion of all things produced. So they could weather the coming famine. Sounds good, and it worked.

Never Forget the big play

Now in verses 13-27 times get really tough. (Remember our own orchestrated plandemic) and the people needed to come to Joseph for rations. (Think about our so-called stimulus checks, and padded and extended unemployment checks) So they came.

And Joseph “collected all the silver in Egypt,” for Pharaoh as payment for a years rations. And they were fed for a year.

The next year they had no silver to give Joseph, so he collected all their livestock as payment for a years rations. (Remember the shutting down all schools, businesses and churches, and government collusion with big tech, and big businesses as small, and family, businesses waned). So Joseph has enriched Pharaoh with all the silver and all the livestock in Egypt.

But the people needed more the next year. So they cried, “All we have is ourselves and our lands! We give them to you for another year’s rations.” (think of people today giving up liberty after liberty for a little perceived security)So Joseph accepted their lands, and enrolled them into bondage to Pharaoh, and fed them another year.

And Joseph moved many into the cities. (Notice today’s government desire to move people from suburbs to cities under the guise of helping them, and the environment)

And through it all, Pharaoh became more and more enriched, and the citizens of Egypt became more and more poor, and dependent on Pharaoh for their every need. And they saw Pharaoh as divine.

The State is not God

Notice the many today who think government is the answer to all their needs, worries and desires.

I’m reminded of the words of my friend, Elam Stoltzfus, “Every page in the Bible is a lesson.” And I believe we should take it seriously. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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