Howdy Friends! Some would argue there are horses who need shoes to protect long lived damage in the hoof. Such as heel cracks, toe wall cracks, low soles, splintering and a host of other chronic ailments the horse is forced to endure.

Every Ailment

None of that need be true. Every ailment can be addressed by adopting different, more healthy, management and proper, basic, barefoot trimming.

Hoof issues are a result of many aspects of animal husbandry. All need to be addressed.We can fix this. To fix is a good thing.

Also, please note each horse is an individual but that each horse can enjoy sound feet, if we seek out that care they need. And sound basic principles will always create sound hoof health over time with persistence. Resorting to shoes is a death sentence eventually. READ MORE HERE.

Yes it takes time to heal a hoof, sometimes a year or more. And that it seems, is the rub. Nailing on shoes is quick, easy and seemingly cheap. But is that best for the horse?

What is a sound horse?

Remember, “A horse who is only sound in shoes, is not sound.” ~ Gitty Up, Dutch…. Picture my mare Rosie waiting for her trim.


Some would argue there are horses who need shoes Howdy Friends! Some would argue there are horses who need shoes to protect long lived damage in the hoof. Such as heel cracks, toe wall cracks, low soles, splintering and a host of other chronic ailments the horse is forced to endure.Howdy Friends! Some would argue there are horses who need shoes to protect long lived damage in the hoof. Such as heel cracks, toe wall cracks, low soles, splintering and a host of other chronic ailments the horse is forced to endure. Howdy Friends! Some would argue there are horses who need shoes to protect long lived damage in the hoof. Such as heel cracks, toe wall cracks, low soles, splintering and a host of other chronic ailments the horse is forced to endure.


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