Howdy Friends! I poured my second cup, took in the quiet. Gazed out the big door at morning’s awakening glow. Fall, like all seasons is a time of change. God tells us about seasons all through scripture. Everything comes in and has its seasons.

The colors of Fall, brilliant reds, shining yellows, glowing orange, faded green and dusty brown. The forest wall painted by His hand is beauty so complete. Surrounded by this beauty starts the day in a way so embracing. Every direction color leaps as if declaring, “See me!” And see them I do.

Sipping slowly I move closer to the outside. My mare follows, as if she too enjoyed the painted leaves of the day.

Before long stark gray, naked branches, will replace this canvas of color. Followed then in time by glistening ice droplets adorning those naked branches. Then snow, shouting whiteness so bright forest floor and trees shine as if the sun was their very own spotlight.

When Winter wanes Spring’s season brings awakening beauty of a different realm. Early soft greens give way to exploding colors of Summer’s blooms whose glorious displays decorate every hill, terrace and landscape.

Ahh, but today I know, I’ll soon miss theses magnificent colors of Fall.

Sending you wishes of a wonderful Fall season. ~ Gitty up, Dutch.

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