Howdy Friends! SATURDAY ENCOUNTERS THE ARK is Saturday’s second in his travel series. And a most incredible travel it was! Join them as they visit this most amazing and wonderful Christian theme park. Walk each of the three decks with Saturday, Kessy and the kitties. Learn the Biblical accounts of Genesis. Learn why God told Noah to build Ark.

“Adventures are for remembering!” Kessy told Saturday as they gathered together remembering their fantastic trip to see the ship so big it had to be called Ark. And this adventure was like no adventure they’d adventured before.

Imagine seeing a ship so big it could not fit in both eyes at the same time. Imagine a ship so big it had to be called Ark. Imagine a ship so big it was bigger on the inside than on the outside. Imagine a ship with 2 of every animal kind in it. Imagine a ship with so many Biblical accounts inside coming to life. Imagine talking to a Stegosaur named Steggy. Imagine talking to Noah. Imagine walking through zoos and rainbow gardens. Saturday, Kessy, Fluffernutter and Danielle don’t need to imagine – They can remember forever! Because they went to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky and saw it all for themselves.

You’ll love the illustrations, the stories and the fun! Order right here   .. And I’ll personalize it for you.

~ Gitty Up, Dutch.

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