Howdy Friends! Rosie Update: We’re riding now 40 or 50 minutes every 3 or 4 days. Rosie is moving softly, fluid, sure. I’ve also noticed her topline looks even better. Such a huge change from 28 months ago. And a noticeable change from just a few weeks ago.

The past weeks of riding and work have really begun to strengthen her, and engage her abdomen, which lifts, supports, and strengthens topline. She can now fully power from behind, because those once weak and broken tendons are now powerful and solid. It matters too that her saddle fits perfectly, and I ride correctly. That’s not a boast, just a mention because lack of either of those two, not only hinder improvement, but cause breakdown as well.

Rehabbing a horse has many phases. First we attack the really big issues like feet, teeth, diet, and whatever else is desperately in need. Then as things progress we see layers of other things at first not so noticeable because the really big needs were shouting so loudly. As the layers of healing occur, always new layers become visible. And we chip away one by one, addressing each one with the same attention and vigor as those first big uglys.

Friends, rehabbing a horse is not just giving it a better home on nice grass. That’s not rehabbing – That’s housing. That’s not going to heal much at all. It takes work. Work on all the issues, one by one.

Eventually we get to riding. But that must always wait until we have a solidly healthy horse. Months of ground work exercises must be employed, along with the health management. Broken horses have muscles out of shape, even misshapen muscles, and skeletal issues, breathing issues, mental issues. We must bring them back well before we sit a horse.

Miss Rosie is at the riding point now. We began with 5 minutes every 3 days, and moved gradually to now 40 or 50 minutes every 4 or 5 days over a period of 3 months. In her case, her overall body health is no longer an issue, but we are healing, and closely monitoring, her tendons due to her diagnosis of DSLD – which we seem to have licked. (Huge part of her Tendon Repair was Doc Thomas Chinese Herbs –

When a horse reaches this point of rebuilding, riding is necessary. And as I pointed out, there will be, should be, even more magnificent changes. It’s all so exciting.

For our friends not familiar with Rosie’s journey, she’s now a 20 year old Paso Fino. These changes all came between the age of 18 and 20. Proving husbandry outweighs age. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.

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