Howdy Friends! It’s always fun to huddle with Rosie and the gang on rainy mornings, the tin rattling to the beat of the big drops. Rosie’s rhythmic munching on hay, and the chickens all gathered inside perched on any suitable ledge, shelf, table or bale.


Of course the rambunctious band of peeps keep us entertained with their silly antics. Well, I’m easily entertained. Lady really doesn’t notice them much, Fluffernutter glares at ’em, Rosie pretty much ignores ’em.

Watching Rosie munch away this morning, even though she was deeply involved in her hay, it was impossible not to feel her spirit, and to notice that while all of us in the barn were busy doing our thing, she’s the reason the barn is such a welcoming gathering place.

Not just to start the day, but anytime. I thought about the hours I write, or study in the barn, Rosie fooling with her hay, or sleeping. I thought about the groundwork we enjoy together. I thought about our adventures on the trail. It was as if Rosie was directing my thoughts.

Thoughts deepening

I thought about the Therapeutic Riding horses, and the splendid endurance horses; the three day eventers, Western Pleasure and magnificent Dressage horses. I thought about the many hard working dependable trail horses. I thought about a lonely girl who was given a blind horse and how that horse guided her through her troubles.

And I thought about the kind unselfish horses waiting for homes in rescues and sanctuaries.

Then I thought about horses in rescues who help at-risk kids discover the spirit of the horse, and how that spirit can change lives. I thought about all that horses have done for, and given to the human race.

Nobel horses

Over the centuries the noble horse has done much for mankind. They’ve pulled carriages, wagons, plows … and cannons. They’ve carried men and women to new lands and were the very lynchpin of many civilizations. Their hearts and spirits have touched and saved countless lives.

I feel our devoted friends have yet another, and perhaps their most important, calling yet ahead. As our society moves at breakneck speed ever farther and farther from the truth and goodness that is a connection with nature, I know it again falls on the backs, and spirit, of the gallant and unselfish horse. To carry us back to things that are truly important.

I ponder and celebrate the increase in Therapeutic Riding centers and programs. As a writer who wrote often about those wonderful people and horses; over and over I hear about new Equine Assisted Therapies.

Most important calling

No longer are they just for physical healing, but more and more for emotional and trauma healing as well. Our noble horses are telling us to pay attention to things more important than gadgets, toys and ourselves.

Yes I believe our noble horse is about to carry mankind on yet another journey. This one more spiritual and perhaps more important than any before. Re-connecting mankind with God’s nature. ~ Gitty up, Dutch.

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