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Thoughts on vaccinations, as do many homeopathic, holistic and natural practices, such as all-forage diets, no stalls, no shoes, etc., often cause quite vigorous debates.

My own opinion though is we way, way over-vaccinate—to the health detriment of our horses …Immunology has recognized for a great many years that vaccinations for viruses provide a long-lived immunity. This is why your physician is not sending you postcards to repeat your small pox or polio vaccinations annually.

My opinion is not anti-vaccination, it is anti-repeated-vaccination. People simply do not relate or understand the harm that over vaccination does to the system.

“A practice that was started many years ago and that lacks scientific validity or verification is annual revaccination. Almost without exception there is no immunologic requirement for annual revaccination. Immunity to viruses persists for years or for the life of the animal…… Furthermore, revaccination with most viral vaccines fails to stimulate an anamnestic (secondary) response…. The practice of annual vaccination, in our opinion, should be considered of questionable efficacy…” Excerpt from Current Veterinary Therapy, Volume XI, published in 1992 (a very well-respected, peer-reviewed textbook that is updated every four years). The authors are veterinary immunologists Dr. Ronald Schultz (University of Wisconsin) and Dr. Tom Phillips (Scripps Research Institute).

Repeated vaccinations not only confuse the immune system but often cause it to turn on itself and even attack healthy red blood cells.

The horse is the most over-vaccinated animal, even more than dogs and cats, and repeated vaccinations do more damage than any other management practice.

Repeated vaccination causes a plethora of ill effects that people fail to connect to the vaccine, including allergies, skin conditions, thrush and even changes in temperament, auto immune disorders, certainly founder, organ failure and more.

So many horses are coming up with wide varieties of allergies. Immunologists have linked this to confused immune systems. These are long-lasting effects that take their toll.

“If people would just have one awakening in their journey to have a vital, thriving animal, I wish it could be that they would understand, we now know, all vaccinations for viruses last a very long time, and repeated vaccinations to an already immune horse adds nothing, but it does compound the ill effects, and even lesson the very immunity already existing,” Dr. Will Falconer.

In his twenty-two years as a full time practicing homeopathic veterinarian the one treatment he sees that does the most harm, causes the most trouble is vaccines. “People simply do not relate or understand the harm that over vaccination does to the system. If there were one thing I could wave a magic wand and fix, it would be the attitude toward vaccinations.” Dr. Falconer explained that repeated vaccinations impair and confuse the immune system.

In the late 1970s, vaccine researcher Dr. Ronald Schultz discovered that rabies and the core vaccines last for the life of the animal in nearly all cases.

These are just my thoughts, I’m sharing them in the hopes you might think about it, and do some research of your own. There is plenty of information out there today. I believe in the “once is enough treatment for vaccinations.”

It is far better to learn how to help your horse build the strongest possible immune system that can defend against invaders, viruses included. Tetanus is the only vaccination that needs to be repeated every 7 years, because it is bacterial, not a virus. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.

MORE about vaccinations can be found in my book “It’s For The Horses.”



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