Howdy Friends! So many times I see pictures of lovely horses, and folks swoon, praise and comment how beautiful. Sadly, being a very long time student of correct equine posture, body carriage and movement, I far too often see something very different.

I see a horse, painfully heavy on its forehand, which disengages the hind end and drops the topline, which pushes the hind end back even more, forcing more disengagement and more forehand posture. It’s a vicious cycle.

Damage is done

This also causes the horse’s over developed neck inversion muscles, which stiffens and tightens the horse’s neck, poll, whithers, and shoulders – effecting everything from balance to vision. This is easily fixed, and should be for the horse’s health.

In time this improper posture not only breaks down support and skeletal tissues, but temperament and organ function as well.

Our duty

As equine custodians, it is our duty to study, learn and understand correct equine posture and body carriage. Our horses’ correct, healthy, body carriage should always be one of our main focuses. We focus oh diet, saddles, housing and many things. Our focus needs to include proper equine posture, as well. For the horse’s sake.

We should focus on it when we lead. When we ride. It should be on our mind when we watch our horses simply move about. Once we learn proper equine posture, and how to maintain it, it easily becomes part of our routine. Once the horse learns it, they tend to maintain it. With just a few regular reminders from us.

Where do I turn?

There are many great practitioners out there who focus on correct equine body carriage. My mentor, Diane J. Sept, for one. Peggy Cummings and Linda Tellington Jones as well.

You’ll also find much help in my book, “It’s For The Horses.” I have included many basic exercises, and other great habits to adopt in it.

Feel free to contact me with questions you may have.

~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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