Howdy Friends! Throughout the Scripture, God’s people are intimately associated with both the battle campaigns and their victories. No one who was skilled in warfare was exempt from the battle, nor did any of the warring men seek to be excused from the battle. Everyone who was equipped fought. NO pew warmers. No bench sitters.
Paul tells us that in the NT age EVERYONE who is redeemed and who is a regenerated Child of God IS A WARRING SOLDIER and must be engaged in the Culture war. In other words, if you are a Christian, you are a soldier on active duty. As a soldier, then, you are commanded to engage the enemy wherever that enemy is. IN fact your focus is to be on the Kingdom commands of the Captain of the LORD’s Host by enduring hardness and not entangling yourself in the affairs of this World.
Paul tells Timothy: 2Timothy 2:3-4 “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”
The problem with modern Christians is that they believe that they are ONLY recipients of Grace apart from any obligation to fight for the Honor of the King Who conferred that grace upon them. They gladly receive but never reciprocate.
As a result of living in a consumer society, and hearing the babbling of the apostate church leaders, the nominal Christian thinks that Christianity must be a reflection of that consumer society – so they sit back and consume rather than produce through service.
But what is most astounding is that while nominal Christians (who may not even be Christian) consume, they expect a deluge of Blessings to be poured out upon them when they haven’t even lifted a finger to serve the Living and True God. They confuse serving themselves with serving God.
They are unable to tell the difference between selfishness and selflessness – with God’s Kingdom and their own weak self consuming kingdom.
~ Gitty Up, Dutch.
I am really tired of Christians being blasted! Low attendance at churches is often due to the leadership and what’s been coming from pulpits. Society does not want to consider what is not pleasing and may be condemned in the pathways of life chosen by the seeming majority. Condemning all Christians for society in general’s foibles is not just dishonest but hurtful. Church goers are wise to not accept the premise that they are lower than a pregnant ant, which is often preached, and churches without many pew warmers, are often the result. Even Bible based churches focus on man’s faults, all the while making pleas for food, clothing, actions that Christians are known to continue providing and who will provide outside the church if what’s coming from the pulpits and church governance does not smarten up!
Thanks for sharing Reality.
So many “Christians” seem to just give “lip service” to the teachings of Christ and seldom enter the battle or volunteer to Serve.
Also, would help if they would realize they were born in the Image and Likeness of Greatness and their true calling is to enhance that Greatness