Howdy Fiends! Nothing exposes human frailty like “natural” disasters. Weather satellites can warn us and give time to run for shelter – But we are helpless to calm the storm or turn them away. When God warns Amos (Amos 7:1-6) of coming judgments – famine and locust, and devastation by fire and drought, the prophet knows he is helpless to stop famines and firestorms. He also knows he can intercede with God on Israel’s behalf, even against God’s declared intentions. In doing so Amos models intercessory prayer for us and reminds us that God keeps mercy for all those who flee to Him – In Repentance and Faith. (Ex 34:7).

Amos appeals for Israel’s pardon, “O Lord God, forgive, I pray!” Amos does not say, “Please take away the locusts,” as if the bugs are the problem … What fills him with fear is not the locusts, BUT rather the spiritual decay that had long ago robbed Israel of its purity. What Amos feared was sin! (What we should fear is sin)


Behind ALL the problems and plagues (AND YES TYRANNY IS A PLAGUE) of our time is the guilt of the world – And the church … When will we ever learn that our sin is the direct cause of all our problems, personally, nationally, and globally. Amos understood human sin, and divine justice. His petition is therefore for forgiveness … Pesticides and rainfall would solve nothing, We need a Savior to revivify dead souls.


And so today we have a government, and governments, who boldly, and stupidly declare war on “climate change.” So stupid, self-righteous and greedy are they, that they actually believe their own lies. For they know they are lying. They just think there are enough useful idiots among the deprived masses who will believe them, and worship them. Man is not God, and he who thinks he is, is the grandest fool of all. Understanding sin, and divine justice is the only way to liberty from tyranny, and to God’s promised covenant. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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