Friends, Patriots and Countrymen – I come to bury America, not to praise her! After all how can one praise such a land? A land that was first among all governments set forth so that the will of the governed controlled those who would govern.



That, my friends, must surely be buried.

A land, a nation, whose very ideals are that the people are given their inalienable rights from God Almighty our creator, our Heavenly Father who blesses nations, and rebukes them. Most certainly that must be buried for it blasphemes the mandate that all rights come from those who hold office and dispense morsels of rights, freedom and even food. What right would I have to praise such a place, such a land as that?

Countrymen, I beg of you, seek no praise for our friend America, as she once stood for the promise that all me are created equal in God’s eye. Surely we must bury such such a nation as that.

To praise America, a nation that held the belief of freedom and liberty would lead those who despise her to despise we Patriots.

For Countrymen, liberty and freedom do not belong to a nation, but rather they belong to those who possess it, and to possess liberty and freedom is most certainly a far outdated ideal. And should be buried. Friends I come not to praise America, but to bury her.

Follow me as I lay to rest the terrible nation she once was. For America, my friends, was a nation to valiant to be controlled by those who seek to become gods, idols and lords.

America our friend has been stabbed by her own senators, for to praise her would be their end. I come to bury America, not to praise her. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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