Howdy Friends! ROSIE UPDATE: Today is Dec 13. Back on NOV 17 we reduced Rosie’s dosage of Dr Thomas’ TORN TENDON to a less than maintenance dose, to begin weaning and testing. No negative signs detected. Rode 1 ½ hour Dec 1, and ½ hour Dec 9. There are no signs of and distress. Everything looks great. So exciting!!

We’ve been rehabbing Miss Rosie for 31 months (She’s now 21 years old). For a plethora of issues. Teeth, IR, founder, feet, overweight issues. We were strictly diligent in our efforts. Dental care, diet exercise, precises hoof trimming management(I trim my own), Posture and body carriage rebuilding, and finally under saddle work. Which began with only 5 minutes at a time mid July.

Through it all we relied on Dr Thomas’ Contemporary Herbal Formulations. ( Over the years they’ve become my go-to for ALL ailments. Whether to enhance my therapy efforts, or heal a medical issue. Why? Because they always work. During Rosie’s 31 month rehab we used Dr Thomas’ formulations to boost her immune, strengthen muscles, bones, and hoof. We used his formulations for Rosie’s terribly stretched and torn tendons, with AMAZING results. No, this is not an advertisement for Dr Thomas – But it is meant as a message to encourage as many as possible to TRULY HEAL THEIR HORSE and not settle for “issue management.” Because that is what Contemporary Chinese Herbs can do, HEAL!

It was back in Feb of this year that we began to address her, dropped pasterns (A result of YEARS of hoof neglect) and DSLD (It does not need to be a death sentence) with Dr Thomas’ herbs. We’d been doing all the right stuff all along, diet, exercise, hoof correction – But we only made moderate progress on those tendons.We saw results begin within 2 weeks of starting his “Tendon Repair” formulation – But there was a LONG way to go. At that point Rosie’s hind pasterns flexed so far her fetlock would touch the ground. She resisted turning right or left, because she did not want to “load” those painful hind legs. She could not back up, if she did, she slid her feet.

So, from Feb to today we’ve seen constant tendon improvement. So many had told us she’ll never carry a rider. Even veterinarians. A few suggested shoes with trailers! Even vets!! Week after week, month after month Rosie’s tendons improved. Her legs slimmed down. Old bumps from tears in the tendons disappeared. Every time I thought her legs couldn’t get any better looking, they did. Today they are slim and beautiful. Simply amazing.

And together we two old critters hit the trail whenever we want. Half an hour, an hour and a half. Two hours. Up hill, down hill, through mud, rock, grass or stream. Bare hooves as hard as them rocks! No lameness, no swelling. No signs of stress. No signs of distress. Was it a lot of work? I guess. But by golly this 21 year old Paso Fino mare thinks she’s ten again. And just as frisky! Friends, don’t settle for a death sentence for you beloved partner. You don’t need to.

Now Rosie is completely off the Torn Tendon herbal blend. I believe she’s all healed up in that area. We’ll go on being horse and old guy, having fun doin’ this and that together. Explore old and new trails, just like we should. On that little gal tossed away just 31 months ago. I guess we’ll ride into the sunset together. Gonna be fun. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.

(PS: To see the exercises, health care, posture work and barefoot hoof maintenance I employed see my book, “It’s For The Horses.” Buy it here: 


healing a horse healing a horse

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