Howdy Friends! … A saddle is much more than a place to sit when astride a horse, and Larry Wilson-Wilson Saddles, knows that to be a fact.. Larry is a custom saddler builder like no other, because he knows for the health, longevity, and soundness of a horse, few things can contribute, or hinder a horse’s well being as much as their saddle. Sadly even today this simple fact is lost on many, but not Larry.
Decades ago he recognized saddle fit, comfort and support as one of the most important things a horse owner could do for the health, comfort, contentment and agility of a horse. He realized the complications lay in the saddle tree.
He discovered it is indeed a rare thing for mass produced trees to fit most horses. A machinist by trade he set about solving the saddle fit problem and taught himself to make his own saddle trees, the singular most important thing about a saddle. In fact Larry says, “The tree is the saddle—everything else is just upholstery.”

He makes his own trees by laminating thin sheets of plywood together, then shapes the tree to fit each horse. He tests his custom fitted tree by having the owner ride the tree while he inspects the fit, position and clearance in motion.
By making his own tree, the saddle is customized to fit the rider as well, in the seat and placement of stirrup leathers. His trees also offer a wider weight distribution than any mass produced tree.
With the tree complete he builds the rest of the saddle with beautiful leatherwork, and can do all kinds of customization Larry says, “The only limits are the customer’s imagination.”
It is Larry Wilson’s aim to create for caring horse owners saddles that fit, do no harm, and indeed his saddles heal backs of horses from damage done by poor fitting saddles.

One of my saddles Larry Made me, I have thousands of miles in this saddle & Larry refit the tree for 3 horses for me over the years.
The amazing thing is his saddles cost only slightly more than quality off-the-rack saddles. And they prevent down time and injuries caused by saddles not well fitted. His saddles not only help horses excel, but most people comment they make them better riders too. … Larry has made my saddles for over 20 years, ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.