Many of our domestic horses face their biggest health threat every day. And are encouraged to eat it. Sadly by ignorance, or complacency, the equine industry ignores it. Owners ignore it. Professionals ignore it. The industry ignores it.

What is the great threat?

The grass they are offered. Lush green pastures they are forced to inhabit. It is so easy to turn the horse out on pasture. Some folks never knew any different. Some folks insist it is okay. The horse always pays the price. Whether we realize it or not.

Not designed by God that way.

But they like the grass. However God designed horses not to constantly graze on domestic, cultivated pasture grasses. Which in recent decades have been hybridized to contain two and three times the sugar a horse can safely ingest. Yes ALL grasses and hays.


God designed horses to forage for miles on rough fibrous tufts of grass, and browse that would be unrecognizable in our domestic pastures today.

Today’s domestic equines face serious health threats.

Unless we band together, and educate each other, our equines face serious health issues on scales never before seen. Folks we must wake up! For the horses, all equines, sake. Grazing on domestic, cultivated, fertilized grasses equines are risking harm to themselves with every mouthful they eat. This unrecognized epidemic of ill health will continue to grow. It need not!

Here’s my top 5 list of the biggest health threats facing our domestic horses today:

1. Ulcers – fast becoming the biggest ‘hidden’ issue in our modern day, which is why it’s top of my list

2. Laminitis – is not going away, it’s getting WORSE

3. Navicular – more and more horses are being diagnosed with this debilitating problem and it’s on the rise and so are the numbers of horses being put to sleep because of it.

4. Colic – incorrect diet, stress, gut issues.


5. General lameness. Arthritis, soft tissue degeneration, ‘undiagnosed’ lameness. Now even from a very young age. Why? Diet.

Every single one of those problems above has it’s root cause in incorrect diet. Whether directly or indirectly.

Unless owners take the lead in helping their horses. And really understanding the effects of diet (including pasture grass) on their horses’ health, then the equine wallet is going to keep hemorrhaging millions and millions toward ‘trying to treat’ these problems. Putting horses unnecessarily to sleep, and lining the pockets of the big pharma companies who will never ever ‘want’ to do enough to stop it.

Horses and grass should not mix.

“But I’ve always grazed our equines on our great pastures and have no problems.” They say. “Really” I ask. Have a look at the vet bill. The “supplement” cost. The down time with “little” injuries. Many issues linger under the obvious signs of decline. But little tells go unnoticed. Or are not connected to the true cause. For the horse’s sake, skip the fancy pasture. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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