Howdy Friends! Faith causes an individual to trust God no matter what the circumstances dictate. Faith must be exercised at all time and within all situations, especially when we are fearful or in doubt. The Psalmist teaches: Psalms 56:3 “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”

We should understand that the regenerate are not automatically given the mastery, or maturity of trusting God. Faith develops over time. It matures by reading and studying the Word of God – Meditating upon it and USING it in every situation of our life. Faith is given as a mustard seed, where throughout the life span of the individual Faith matures.


Most often faith develops through trials and tribulations – BUT always as a result of hearing the Word of God. For faith comes by hearing – And hearing by the Word of God.

We learn more, and mature more, in the midst of, and through our trials and failures than we do in our times of ease and successes. It is through these difficult times of our life that we truly learn, grow and mature.

As our Faith matures, our peace also matures. That’s the deal. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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