Howdy Friends! A Democracy is a political system in which the people periodically by majority vote at the poll select their rulers.

The rulers then have absolute power to make whatever laws they please, by a majority vote among themselves.


In a constitutional republic the people also, by majority voters at the polls, select rulers who make laws by majority vote among themselves.

But the rulers cannot make any laws they please because the CONSTITUTION severely restricts their law making power.

The ideal of a democracy is universal Equality.

The ideal of a constitutional republic is INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY.

In this century, and the one before this, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic and transforming it into a democracy.

The foremost tactic of the subverters is the subversion of language. By calling America a democracy until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term.

Totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of American principals of government.

And by that terrible act of subtle reprogramming of American peoples thoughts, and language, have waged a war against the founding principals of this great nation.

The United States of America was never founded as a democracy. The founders knew better. They knew living in a democracy was living under tyranny. That’s why they created the world’s first “CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.”

The founders knew individual liberty, respecting and preserving GOD given rights, and the responsibilities that come with them, was the only way to ensure the soundness of a free nation. The very preservation of our nation.

Much has changed over the past 240 years since Dr Franklin responded, “A Republic if you can keep it.” Can we keep it? That is the question for today, on Constitution Day.

And the struggle begins with rebuking every single utterance of democracy. Our Untied States of America is a “Constitutional Republic.” It’s up to each American to continually point that out. And Keep it. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.



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