coffee clutch

A Dog Named Saturday

Coffee Clutch got its name from the blog posts I wrote for years from the barn sitting enjoying my morning coffee with my mare, dogs, kitties and chickens. Folks really enjoyed them. Coffee Clutch is more than a newsletter. It’s a visit, it’s information, it’s fun, it’s musings, barn talk, writing talk, bird talk, horse talk and faith thoughts. And of course, it’s all the news about A DOG NAMED SATURDAY, old new and coming soon.

 I’ll share some of my works in progress, upcoming publications, and more. Folks enjoy “The Old Man on the Porch, and Grandpop too, so they’ll be dropping in.

Sign up to join the ride! ~ Gitty up, Dutch.

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift

Howdy Friends! Tom stared at the pack of cookies on the fold down tray as the train came out of the tunnel. Seemed like a good time to open the little bundle of black cookies with creamy white filling that had been tempting him. Shifting in his seat, Tom was just...

A First Horse

A First Horse

Howdy Friends, Recently a young girl who is reading my book, “It’s for the Horses” emailed me with this question; “I know it all depends on the horse and its personality, but do you have an opinion on what someone's first horse should be?” I assured her I do, and that...

Writing Tip: Building A Character.

Writing Tip: Building A Character.

Howdy Friends! I had a friend ask a writing question, and it struck me a lot of folks have similar thoughts – So I’ll share the condensed answer, just in case it’ll help others. The question revolved around character development. How much, and how fast. The answer is,...

Rosie Update:

Rosie Update:

Howdy Friends! Rosie Update: We’re riding now 40 or 50 minutes every 3 or 4 days. Rosie is moving softly, fluid, sure. I’ve also noticed her topline looks even better. Such a huge change from 28 months ago. And a noticeable change from just a few weeks ago. The past...

Bees Don’t Waste Time

Bees Don’t Waste Time

Howdy Friends! The old man studied the lad’s face. Took a sip of coffee. “Well son, it’s easy. Think on this. He pushed back his hat, “bees don’t waste their time explainin’ to flies that honey is better than horse manure.” ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.

A Happy Thought From Saturday

A Happy Thought From Saturday

Howdy Friends! "The day moved all by itself past morning and into afternoon. Saturday always thought the day could do that so well because that’s what days do. And they do it so well because they are good at being days. Probably because they do it so often. Saturday...

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