coffee clutch

A Dog Named Saturday

Coffee Clutch got its name from the blog posts I wrote for years from the barn sitting enjoying my morning coffee with my mare, dogs, kitties and chickens. Folks really enjoyed them. Coffee Clutch is more than a newsletter. It’s a visit, it’s information, it’s fun, it’s musings, barn talk, writing talk, bird talk, horse talk and faith thoughts. And of course, it’s all the news about A DOG NAMED SATURDAY, old new and coming soon.

 I’ll share some of my works in progress, upcoming publications, and more. Folks enjoy “The Old Man on the Porch, and Grandpop too, so they’ll be dropping in.

Sign up to join the ride! ~ Gitty up, Dutch.

Posture and Locomotion

Posture and Locomotion

Howdy Friends! “Posture and Locomotion.” Watching your horse casually stroll along is a great time to check her posture, and overall movement. Do you see the hind end propelling your horse, the big hind muscles lifting and pushing? Toes, the last to lift, pushing down...



Howdy Friends! SATURDAY ENCOUNTERS THE ARK is Saturday’s second in his travel series. And a most incredible travel it was! Join them as they visit this most amazing and wonderful Christian theme park. Walk each of the three decks with Saturday, Kessy and the kitties....

Grandpop, the Reporter and Firewood

Grandpop, the Reporter and Firewood

Howdy Friends! I knew I was in for a treat when I saw the tiny white car with the local newspaper's logo on the door parked halfway between the barn and house. Every once in a while they'd send an intern out to have a chat with Grandpop and write a story. I found them...

Grandpop At The Cross Roads

Grandpop At The Cross Roads

Howdy Friends! Fall knocked on the door. Air light and crisp. A few maples sported red patches. Hummingbirds mostly gone. Flowers fading, but bustling with goldfinches stealing seeds from cosmos, zinnias and marigolds. Grandpop loved fall. Always said it geared him up...

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