coffee clutch

A Dog Named Saturday

Coffee Clutch got its name from the blog posts I wrote for years from the barn sitting enjoying my morning coffee with my mare, dogs, kitties and chickens. Folks really enjoyed them. Coffee Clutch is more than a newsletter. It’s a visit, it’s information, it’s fun, it’s musings, barn talk, writing talk, bird talk, horse talk and faith thoughts. And of course, it’s all the news about A DOG NAMED SATURDAY, old new and coming soon.

 I’ll share some of my works in progress, upcoming publications, and more. Folks enjoy “The Old Man on the Porch, and Grandpop too, so they’ll be dropping in.

Sign up to join the ride! ~ Gitty up, Dutch.

GrandPop, Lisa and Fall Colors

GrandPop, Lisa and Fall Colors

Howdy Friends, We had drifted to the back yard, Grandpop, Lisa and me. Grandpop wasn't up to riding, or walking very far, so the chairs just off the porch seemed a good place to rest. The view of the mountains, not so far away, but far enough to paint a glorious scene...

Clearing the Mist of Roman’s 13.

Clearing the Mist of Roman’s 13.

Howdy Friends! Tyrants love the misinterpretation of Roman's 13. “We are to obey the civil government.” Tyrants love that it aids them in their tyranny. It is an invention of the evil ones. Actually Roman’s 13:1 Clearly states the opposite: “Let every soul be subject...

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