They were leaving the house as I drove up. I’d been trying to visit more often lately, Grandpop hadn’t been feeling all that well, even though his wide smile peeking out from under his thick white mustache, and those glittering eyes never let on. But the...
GrandPop, Lisa and Fall Colors

GrandPop, Lisa and Fall Colors

Howdy Friends, We had drifted to the back yard, Grandpop, Lisa and me. Grandpop wasn’t up to riding, or walking very far, so the chairs just off the porch seemed a good place to rest. The view of the mountains, not so far away, but far enough to paint a glorious...
Grandpop, the Reporter and Firewood

Grandpop, the Reporter and Firewood

Howdy Friends! I knew I was in for a treat when I saw the tiny white car with the local newspaper’s logo on the door parked halfway between the barn and house. Every once in a while they’d send an intern out to have a chat with Grandpop and write a story....
Grandpop At The Cross Roads

Grandpop At The Cross Roads

Howdy Friends! Fall knocked on the door. Air light and crisp. A few maples sported red patches. Hummingbirds mostly gone. Flowers fading, but bustling with goldfinches stealing seeds from cosmos, zinnias and marigolds. Grandpop loved fall. Always said it geared him up...

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