by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith, Old Man on the porch
Howdy Friends! “Propping up his leaning side.” A pastor of a small church would occasionally call on a gentleman to pray, and every time this one particular fellow would pray, he would end with this statement, “And, oh Lord, prop us up on our leaning side.” Finally,...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith, Grandpop
Howdy Folks! Riding in the New year was a tradition we didn’t do as often as we used too. Grandpop had a year every now and then, in recent years, when he just wasn’t up to it. And I worried since he’d retired ol’ Blue a few years back his...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith
Howdy Friends! And I replied: God is even kind to the unthankful and to the evil. He rains upon the just and the unjust. The general mercy of God in His long-suffering should be enough to cause men to cry out in humble thanksgiving and praise for the time God has...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith, Grandpop
Howdy Friends! “Grandpop – The Week Between Christmas and New Year.” It didn’t take long to find Grandpop. He usually spent the biggest part of mornings in the barn. Cold weather like this he’d rotate horses inside, “To keep it warm in here.” Every horse had its turn...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith, Horse Care, It's for the Horses, Writing
Howdy Friends! I believe that “who” is much more important than “what.” In a story, in life, with our horses. I believe when working with our horses, it is far more important to get to know “who” they are before we begin to “train” them. That’s another word I’m not...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith
Howdy Friends! What if there were no Bethlehem? What if the greatest miracle of all time had not come? What if no baby king had been born to a virgin in a stable? What if He had not walked among us? What if He had not healed the sick, taught the disciples, and died...