by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch
Howdy Friends! And then Saturday said, “Today the sun is being the sun again. Which is almost always a more sunny day than when the sun is being clouds, or when the sun is being rain. I think that is how it is, most of the time. And since the sun is being the...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
Howdy Friends, Is your horse content? Just as we do, our horses have emotions, and thoughts of the day about their job and what is important to them. I’ve written before about horses and their emotions HERE , and I understand how folks have a wide range of where...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith, Grandpop
Howdy Folks! Riding in the New year was a tradition we didn’t do as often as we used too. Grandpop had a year every now and then, in recent years, when he just wasn’t up to it. And I worried since he’d retired ol’ Blue a few years back his...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith
Howdy Friends! And I replied: God is even kind to the unthankful and to the evil. He rains upon the just and the unjust. The general mercy of God in His long-suffering should be enough to cause men to cry out in humble thanksgiving and praise for the time God has...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Faith, Grandpop
Howdy Friends! “Grandpop – The Week Between Christmas and New Year.” It didn’t take long to find Grandpop. He usually spent the biggest part of mornings in the barn. Cold weather like this he’d rotate horses inside, “To keep it warm in here.” Every horse had its turn...
by Dutch Henry | Coffee Clutch, Horse Care, It's for the Horses
Howdy Friends! “Boundaries.” We are responsible for setting boundaries. Not by discipline or heavy handedness, but by simple politeness, consistency and thoughtfulness. Horses do not violate boundaries because they want to be bad, unruly or “pushy.” They violate...