Howdy Friends! The old man studied the lad’s face. Took a sip of coffee. “Well son, it’s easy. Think on this. He pushed back his hat, “bees don’t waste their time explainin’ to flies that honey is better than horse manure.” ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.
Howdy Friends! The old man studied the lad’s face. Took a sip of coffee. “Well son, it’s easy. Think on this. He pushed back his hat, “bees don’t waste their time explainin’ to flies that honey is better than horse manure.” ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.
Gotta Love It!
Sort of reminds me of my pop’s old adage…
Wish in one hand and cr@p in the other and see which gets filled the fastest
Wishin’ won’t do it!
Grateful for that. Great analogy. If God had not created both with different life purposes, our world would be a total mess. I’ll stick my neck out to hypothesize that, unlike humans, they were not gifted free will. In other words, we are gifted to follow God’s Word and receive His grace. It is our choice. God is Great.
GOD IS GREAT! Thanks for the comment!!