Howdy Friends! Founder. Few words strike fear in the hearts of horse owners more than, “Founder.” And for a great many reasons. What can we do when founder strikes? What can we do to prevent founder? Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and practices. Each of us must do what we feel best.


What Causes founder?

Many things can “cause” founder. Illness, stress, of course diet. Seasonal change can bring it on, especially in horses whose metabolic fragility is already predisposed. I’ve seen vaccinations throw a horse into founder. The causes are many. Therefore we should always be on guard, to practice anti-founder husbandry.

What is anti-founder husbandry?

Really not much more than overall good equine husbandry. Low sugar diet. If we have a horse predisposed, ie: cushings, metabolically challenged, or insulin resistant horse, frail horse, overweight horse, older horse, one tremendous asset is soaking our hay. Soak your hay about an hour before feeding. This will remove most of the sugar, and positively not effect mineral and vitamin content.

And total diet is best to be all long stem forage, no grain. No processed feeds of any kind. Even though the marketing is great, and by golly tempting – Don’t feed it. This is a good place to say, “All toxins in a horse end up in the feet.” Think, founder. And no matter what the bag or manufacture says, all processed feeds have things in them, your horse doesn’t need. And a sensitive horse should not have.

Green lush pastures are dangerous to all horses. But especially to any horse that might be in any way challenged. I’m a giant advocate of what we are calling today, the track system. Plenty of exercise, no grass, but plenty of movement.

What is the Track System.

Simply put, it is a fence inside the fenced in pasture area making a track around the perimeter. It keeps the horse moving, while not on grass. Lot’s of information out there today on many different variations. Locate water, hay, housing all at different locations, which creates great movement. Very important to preventing founder – AND while healing post founder.

How do we recover from founder?

(From this point on, you will see I’ll recommend Dr Thomas’ Contemporary Chinese Herbal Formulations – His company – “For Love Of The Horse” Because I know first hand, they work).

I don’t waste time or money on xrays. We all know, if there was a laminatic event, the coffin bone moved. BUT it can be picked back up. SO let’s just get started. First, again, total diet of simply soaked hay, and water. First step, as soon as we notice any kind of laminatic event, give Dr Thomas’ formula MMP STOP – It immediately stops the body’s destruction of lamina tissue.

Trim those feet

Next, we must make sure those feet are properly trimmed. Understanding that the horse is in a lot of pain, but we still need to move those toes back. If they are too long. Long toes (and not only really long toes, even slightly long toes) REALLY pull and tear lamina – Especially when weakened by a laminatic event. In fact long toes themselves can trigger an event. So a first step in founder recovery, may be a trimming.

Now right here, I’m just going to say, I’m totally against shoeing. That includes “corrective shoeing” (which I call an oxymoron) for founder treatment.

I’m totally against bar shoes, wedges, anything of that sort. In fact I’m a totally barefoot guy. But I know a lot of folks try to fight founder with shoeing. Best healing for a founder is barefoot. So we make sure the foot is trimmed correctly. Now and always. I’ve used boots with pads inside at times like this. Make the horse comfortable.

What’s next?

We’ve got to rebuild those feet. And in doing so pick up that coffin bone again. Best way to do that begins with the trim. No more than a third of the hoof should be in front of the apex of the frog. I take nothing, I repeat, nothing off the bottom of the foot. I rasp the outer edge of the hoof from the outside.

Then the Diet.

Again, only soaked hay and water. If you test, and your hay is LESS than 7% sugar, soaking is not totally necessary. But if you don’t know, then you really should soak. And now – NO MORE VACCINES – NO MORE WORMER. No supplements of any kind. Remember toxins in a horse settle in their feet. And that just wrecks stuff.

Here, at this point, I suggest you consult FOR LOVE OF THE HORSE regarding other formulations. These are NOT supplements. These are herbs – That work. They have formulations that rebuild both the hoof and the lamina. And are worth ever dollar you will spend. I know, I’ve used them, and know many others who have. They simply work. But you must follow their protocol exactly. (Don’t skimp) They also have a blend for pain relief, which works better – with NO side effects – Than bute.

It’s really that simple – Even though it might take a while.

In review. Diet is key. Please keep it that simple. Soaked hay and water. And of course free choice salt. I use Redmond salt, which has some trace minerals in it.

Go barefoot and trim perfectly.

Build and use a track system. Make sure the horse moves. Use boots with pads inside if necessary.

STOP all chemicals. All of them.

When the horse is totally sound again, reintroducing trace minerals is good. I use KISS TRACE.

It only takes time, effort and focus on simplicity to defeat founder. It feels like a really rough patch when we are going through it. But these simple guidelines will get the horse through it, and back to sound feet.

Then follow the guidelines here and founder won’t find your horse again. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.

I promise you’ll find my book “It’s For The Horses” helpful as well.


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