Howdy Friends! When Saturday, Kessy and the kitties visited the Ark Encounter™, for their adventure “SATURDAY ENCOUNTERS THE ARK” they met many new friends. Even some who, “Were Believed to be extinct.”

Enjoy this little visit with Saturday, Kessy, Fluffernutter and Danielle When they meet Steggy:

Kessy bent low to look inside. Then she stood tall to look inside. And after looking very thoughtfully she said, “I don’t recognize them too.”

“It could be,” Fluffernutter said, “It could be, we don’t recognize them because we’ve never seen them before.”


“I hadn’t thought of it in that way.” Said Saturday. “But now that I do think of it that way, it could be just that way.”

“What way?” Asked Kessy.

“The way of, we might not recognize them because we’ve never seen them before.” Said Saturday.

“Well now that you have seen them, what do you think about seeing animals in the Ark that you don’t recognize?” A high pitched voice they had never heard before asked.

Kessy and Saturday turned, a fast sort of turn, to look who the one who said that might be. “Who are you?” They asked together.

Then when they had all looked a very good look, Saturday said, “What kind of animal we don’t recognize are you?” Now Saturday never told anyone, but at that very moment he was just the right amount of confused, because he had just decided all the animals in cages were only to look at and could not talk, and now there came one not in a cage, who could, and was talking. So he decided it just was that way, and didn’t mention it. Even if he did wonder if should.

“I’m a Stegosaur kind. I live in the Ark, up on the second deck where most of the larger animal kinds are. My kind is believed to be extinct. ” A gray animal with no hair, big feet and a rather long neck said.

“What does extinct mean?” Asked Saturday, then he looked and looked at the gray animal and decided he did not recognize that animal too. “And who are you?” Saturday thought if they knew who this animal was it might help them to recognize him.

“I’m a Stegosaur kind … a dinosaur.” The gray animal said. “They call me Steggy.”

“What’s a kind of dinosaur?” Asked Danielle.

“The kind I am.” Steggy said.

“That’s what I thought,” Fluffernutter said. “But what does extinct mean?”

“That’s what I am too, my sign says is believed extinct.” Steggy said.

“Are there others on the Ark like you, extinct I mean?” Saturday asked still wondering exactly that might mean. It had to mean something, or it would not be on a sign. Just wondering about it told Saturday that.

“There are other animal kinds on the Ark believed to be extinct.” Steggy told them. “We were all here then.”

Now that made sense to Saturday, that they were all here, because if they were not all here, then they would not be here. Extinct must mean that sort of thing, about being here, and maybe not being here later. So he decided it did.

It occurred to Saturday at that time, it could be helpful if their new friend, Steggy would walk along with them as they explored the very, very big Ark. He could not be sure, but it was possible Steggy might know more things than what extinct was. And he could tell them those things. So he asked, “Would you like to walk with us as we explore the very big Ark?”

“There seems to be an awful lot to explore.” Fluffernutter said looking both one way then another, and straight up through the big opening in the middle between railings, posts and ramps, to sunlight way up high. “An awful lot.”

“The Ark is very big with very much to see, and learn about. And because I am a Stegosaur kind of dinosaur, I am just the one to guide you.” Steggy said.

“Then we should explore all together.” Saturday said.

You can join Saturday and the others on their adventure

Just click here on SATURDAY ENCOUNTERS THE ARK and order his book. So much fun and the Biblical message too!



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