Howdy Friends! Secular philosophies cannot compare to the Truth of God’s Word.


God’s Word is more powerful, sharper, than man’s weak words.

The word of man is no match for the Word of God since the Word of God is the POWER of GOD. This is why whenever we seek to evangelize we must confidently stick to using the WORD of God and not the vain philosophies of men. That means that WE MUST KNOW what the Word says, how we are to understand it, and how we are to apply it to any and every situation.

Power of God

Paul tells the Saints at Rome as much: Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (When we see “Greek” in the Bible, it is referring to all nations).

Unreliable counsel

Those that only pay lip service to seeking God’s counsel in humility, will seek either their own unreliable counsel or the errant counsel of those that do not know God, or worship before His throne.

This is true in every area of society. In the home, in the church and in Government.

Man cannot know man’s mind.

Man is incapable of truly helping, guiding another. No matter how many letters rest behind their name. Without the Truth of God’s Word, there is no salvation, there is no true healing. There is no strong family. There is no true church. There is no righteous government.

~ Gitty Up, Dutch.

A Short Visit with “The Old Man on the Porch”

Howdy Friends! The old man was about out of coffee. The sun was setting. The horses had all wandered out of view from the porch. Family would be rolling in soon. “Ah,” he said. “Some days get done too quick.” He knew when everyone arrived the talk would bounce back and forth about the young lad’s troubles. He’d warned them taking him to town was not the solution. “Man doesn’t know the answers in deals like this.” He’d told them. “Proverbs over psychology, every day.” He’d said. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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