Howdy Friends! Because of our history of rising against the British government, taking on the dictatorship of the British King, and defeating the British Army. The founding fathers built into our system, both in the law and in the culture, a belief in the right of Americans to defend themselves.

That is amazingly deep and really unlike any other country in the world.

And because the founding fathers built this right in so deeply, the left, which is really much more attuned to the rest of the world, wonders why Americans are weird. Whereas classic Americans wonder why the rest of the world is strange.

In the rest of the world you can’t defend yourself. In America you can.

In the rest of the world the government is the center of power. In America the people are the center of power. And that is what the second amendment is all about.


Where is the nexus of power?

So when you see people going crazy about the second amendment, desperately trying to find a way to limit, and then ultimately eliminate the right to bear arms. What you are seeing is people who want citizens to be defenseless. One must ask, why would they want that?

They want people to be dependent on government.

They want people responsive to the bureaucracy, within the control of the welfare state. It’s about control.

Similarly they want people no longer to have the right to bear arms. So people will physiologically give up the right to stand proudly and say no to any self-god tyrannical government. There is certainly no call to arms But the very thought of the root and foundation of our second amendment, provide the tyrannists pause.

Let us ponder what Paul tells us in Galatians 5:1

“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Now here Paul is speaking toward the slavery of sin. However is it not sin to submit to a government who wants to replace God?

In this blog post “CLEARING THE MIST OF ROMAN’S 13” I point out the Biblical history of defending God’s commands over tyrants reach.

Remember what Paul tells us in, Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

Is the 2nd Amendment relevant today? I submit it still stands in the forefront of defending our God given rights and liberties. Not as a call to arms, certainly not. But as a constant reminder to those who would work so hard to remove them. The 2nd Amendment is perhaps the big stick President Theodore Roosevelt referred to in his famous quote: “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”

~ Gitty up, Dutch.


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