
.Howdy Friends! Gazing out the big barn door, I poured my second cup. My mare Rosie tugged her hay, my dog lay beside me. Hotter this morning than the past few, but a feeling of change danced in the air. It had been a hot summer, and as all seasons, this summer would soon give way to early autumn.

Howdy Friends! Gazing out the big barn door, I poured my second cup. My mare Rosie tugged her hay, my dog lay beside me. Hotter this morning than the past few, but a feeling of change danced in the air. It had been a hot summer, and as all seasons, this summer would soon give way to early autumn.


God tells us about seasons all through scripture.

Everything comes in, and has its season. Even the weather. All seasons wander in, visit a while, then drift into the next season. In life, and in weather. God made it that way.

Late summer sees the forest abound with juvenile birds of all species.

Blue birds, finches, cardinals and more. Hummingbird feeders swarm with busy wings, squeaks and buzzes. Whippoorwills still call at dusk. Trees bedecked with lush green, just beginning to show signs of fading. Bird song, once so vigorous now more quiet than robust.

As summer gives way to fall, birds make travel plans for migration.

Trees begin painting tired green leaves with vibrant red, yellow and gold. Whippoorwill song will end, giving way to katydid choirs. By autumn’s end those colorful leaves will fall, leaving a forest of naked branches. Only a sometime “Caw” of a passing crow will sound.

Days now short, end early as darkness ushers in winter. The season of rest, fireplaces, snow and chattering teeth. And frosty breath. Birds, huddled in sunlit branches puff themselves twice their size with fluffed feathers to combat winter’s cold. Horse’s sport coats thick and dense. Insulated boots and gloves find their way from closets, to prominence. Late in winter’s season the great horned owl gives voice to dark nights.

At just the right time, by design, winter’s season begins to lesson its grip.

Days stretch ever so slightly longer. And longer. springtime brings new life. Cold begins to be not so cold. Green comes back to field and forest. As the season of spring gains a foothold birds return. Songs of every description float on morning sunbeams. Trees bud, flowers push through hard ground. Tiny at first, and then the first blooms.

Spring works hard to line up the “growing” weeks and months.

Then yields to Summer. Ahh, Summer, pool parties, picnics, campfires and trees green again. Early morning alive with bird song, and chatter Flower beds exploding with colors, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Summer, the season for excitement, fun.

And hard work. Farmers plow, plant and harvest. Cows mother calves, deer stand with fawns. Blue birds fill our nest boxes. Bees gather pollen and make honey. The summer months bring a fullness of life. Then, as days slowly shorten, Autumn sneaks in. The cycle of seasons recycle, as designed.

Whatever the season, be sure to enjoy its gifts. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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