Howdy Friends! “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:31.

How do we do that?

It’s easy to say it. But just how do we do, “Everything,” for the glory of God. Probably not so easy. We get caught up in the moment, the job, the weekend cook out. Even raising our children. Even loving our spouse.

The First Step

For me, I think the first step, in “Everything,” is to be grateful to God. Recognize we didn’t get that job, He did. We didn’t bring our children into the would, He did. We didn’t provide those burgers on the grill, He did. Remembering, “All things come from Him,” even of course our spouse and the love between us, is perhaps the first step in, “Doing all things for His glory.”The

Next step?

What is the next step in “Doing all things for the glory of God?” How about focusing on whose recognition it should be of that great accomplishment we had. We didn’t do it for ourselves, we should not take pride in it. Surely we can not boast in it, we did it for Him. To Him goes the pride, the honor, indeed the glory. That’s where that thing called “humble,” comes in. Knowing, believing, that by His hand, we did that thing. Without His hand we can do nothing.


What is the next step in “Doing all things for the glory of God?” How about focusing on whose recognition it should be of that great accomplishment we had. We didn’t do it for ourselves, we should not take pride in it. We surely can not boast in it. We did it for Him. To Him goes the pride, the honor, indeed the glory. That’s where that thing called “humble,” comes in. Knowing, believing, that by His hand, we did that thing. Without His hand we can do nothing.

It’s not about us

All things must be done, great, small, and in between, for His glory. It’s not about us, or our whims, wants, and works. This takes a paradigm shift. It takes awareness. And by His grace, He teaches us how to do that. “But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 10:17. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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