Howdy Friend! I’m a supporter of the barefoot paradigm. Not any surprise to folks who know me. But what is the barefoot Paradigm? I can only speak for myself, as I’m always ready to do. (That was supposed to make you smile.)

Barefoot paradigm is about the whole horse

To me, the barefoot paradigm is about the whole horse. It’s really a way of life. I believe it embraces the holistic approach to living with, loving, and enjoying horses. Do as little as possible that might upset the natural life style of the horse.

Limitations we face

Every horse caregiver has limitations; financial, geographic, time, conditions, housing. The list goes on. There are always decisions to make. Some easy, some challenging. If we make those decisions from the horse’s perspective those decisions can often be made less challenging

Many times decisions made by horse caregivers are made for, and by, the human’s perspective. Which can be in contradiction with the barefoot paradigm.

Good Horse Sense

Much of what I consider the barefoot paradigm is really simply good horse sense. What are the most important things to keeping a horse happy, healthy and thriving? We’ll not get into why I think pounding nails through a living tissue isn’t healthy or happy, but to quote, Dr. Thomas Teskey, “You can’t nail a shoe on without doing damage to the lamina.” And the lamina is pretty important to the hoof.

The barefoot paradigm is not only about yanking shoes

The barefoot paradigm is not only about yanking shoes. Or never putting them on. It’s about a lifestyle that promotes total health. As close to the natural state that our equine friends thrive on as possible for the caregiver to provide.

We don’t all have large sparsely grassed acreage for them to romp free on. But we can, say no to stalls. Yes to run-ins on as large a lot as possible. Make that lot resemble wide open spaces by placing our, water and “slow hay feed nets,” here and there encouraging movement.

What else should we do

Add obstacles or even allow trees and brush to add a little dimension to our horses’ wanderings.

Free and roaming movement is paramount to the health of a horses’ hoof, and the entire horse.

Say no to grain, create a healthy all forage diet. Test our hay so we know what if any high quality supplements are needed. Sprinkle fresh vegetables on the hay bags, for fun and nutrients.


I’ll not talk here about vaccinations, but it is something I consider in my barefoot paradigm. As are all unnatural chemicals, feeds, treatments and applications. Keep in mind, toxins travel to settle in the feet. So if we don’t introduce them, or greatly limit them, they can’t get lodged in our horse’s hooves.

So you see, for me, the barefoot paradigm is about considering the horse’s health, wellbeing and happiness, first in our management practices.


Housing that provides for uninhibited exercise, fresh air and engagement. Nutrition in line with what their bodies are designed to understand. And keeping as many toxins out of their systems as possible. Just about that simple. Of course there is also hoof care to consider.


If a horse is being transitioned from shod to barefoot, the first thing to do is simply remove the shoes, and with a rasp take the toes back where they should be, and nothing else. Give the horse a few days or a week to begin to shape the hoof to a more natural state. Then select a qualified barefoot hoofcare specialist to maintain the hooves. Barefoot care should really be scheduled every 3 – 4 weeks, but that may vary some depending on riding, terrain etc.

Hoofcare and maintenance in the barefoot paradigm is really surprisingly simple. Today you can find a wealth of information out there.

There you have it, my thoughts on the barefoot paradigm. Really nothing to it. It’s just a little different in the way we do some things as humans. But it’s a world of difference for the horses.~ Gitty Up, Dutch.



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