Howdy Friends! Did you ever notice sometimes there is a direct conflict between man’s law and God’s law. As Christians we have the biblical responsibility to submit to, and support, governmental authority.

A Dog Named Saturday After all, its authority is given by God Himself. Our observance of the law is a positive public testimony of faith. As it should be. Obedience is the right thing to do . . . Unless civil law directly contradicts God’s law. Then we should “obey God rather than man.”

In this world that is increasingly advocating tolerance of everything – except Christianity – we must learn to live with pressure, and be guided by truths we find in God’s word. There may come a time when obeying God’s law means disobeying man’s law. That’s a real challenge.

Authority Given by God

After all, its authority is given by God Himself. Our observance of the law is a positive public testimony of faith. As it should be. Obedience is the right thing to do . . . Unless civil law directly contradicts God’s law. Then we should “obey God rather than man.”


In this world that is increasingly advocating tolerance of everything – except Christianity – we must learn to live with pressure, and be guided by truths we find in God’s word. There may come a time when obeying God’s law means disobeying man’s law. That’s a real challenge.

Government may not exceed

The state is not to impose any law that impunes the law of God. No government is to exceed their authority. Authority given them by God. No Christian is to be bound by any government that places itself above God’s law

But remember Acts 5:29 “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Christians must take care to know when obedience to government entails disobedience to God. It takes courage to stand for what is right in our world today. Be strong and have the courage not to condone, nor compromise, what is clearly opposed in Scripture. God offers struggles to strengthen believers.

As Christians we are commanded to stand true to the word of God. And hold the state accountable to it. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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