Howdy Friends! Suffering and pain are a part of life. Our bodies experience pain as a sign things are not right. Doesn’t human suffering by the same sense reveal something is not right in the world?

Sin shattered God’s perfect world – and complicated our lives with brokenness and pain. (Gen 3:1-24)

Suffering is tough, and we like to avoid rough patches. So how can we process the rough patches, the human suffering? Even when we accept the good purposes of God in what feels bad. What if there’s no relief in sight. What if there are no answers for the hard questions in this life? What happens when the burden seems so heavy?

Heavenly Father is with us in suffering, never forget. God’s ultimate purpose is not in the pain, but in what it produces. Bad things in this world or in our lives do not change the goodness of God. God will deliver His people from sin and suffering.

Not our Timetable (Ecc 3:1-8)

Our timetable is not synchronized with God’s. The challenge for believers is to wait for full deliverance – the final defeat of sin, suffering and death. BUT while we wait, we gain the opportunity to trust God and find Him faithful. AND while we wait we must work diligently to Build His Kingdom.


If our comfort were God’s primary concern, He would immediately transport us to heaven. Instead He leaves us here to make a difference. How can you make a difference?

Expect Trouble (John 16:33)

We should expect trouble in this life. We should expect bodies that age, people who fail us, and hard work among the thorns.

Suffering can make us feel abandon, alone. However, believers are never alone! God will never leave us or forsake us.

To suffer long and not seek God’s higher purpose can distort our higher understanding of His permeating and proactive goodness.

Focusing only on the pain leaves us to only endure pain – And miss how Heavenly Father is with us. To interpret suffering by only what we understand is to miss the benefit of trusting the LORD for the greater things He seeks to accomplish.Suffering can be profitable, but we can fail to reap its benefits and waste the pain when we focus only on ourselves.

Notice what Paul tells us. (Romans 8:17-18)

“And if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

Focus on Heavenly Father, praise Him in all things, even suffering, and seek the lessons, the path. Remember, Heavenly Father’s purposes for your life are never thwarted by suffering or loss. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.


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