Howdy Friends! Thought today was a sweet day to share an excerpt from Saturday’s book, “SATURDAY ENCOUNTERS THE ARK.” Have a fun read.


Now that everyone had decided the best place for Saturday’s wonderings to find answers about Noah, the big rain, and the ark his family built was a place Dutch called “The Ark Encounter,™” Dutch said they would go.

So in the morning Dutch hitched up the horse trailer for Kessy, and loaded it with her supplies, while telling about how Noah and his family would have loaded the ark the same way, only much bigger.


“Why much bigger?” Kessy who stood by the trailer supervising asked.

“Bigger?” Asked Danielle who was trying hard not to look too sleepy.

Saturday didn’t need to ask, he only needed to look at Dutch as if he was going to ask. So he did.

Dutch sat down on the hay bale he’d carried to the trailer. “Well, Noah and his family had a lot more than two people, a horse, dog and two cats to load and care for. He had to build the ark, and load it with not only two of every animal kind, but enough supplies for all of them too. So it was much bigger.”

“I wonder how bigger,” Saturday said, trying hard to wonder about it. And wondering about it made him wish they were loaded and on the way. So he hopped in the truck, thinking that might hurry things up. You can never tell about things like that. But Saturday always thought the best way to hurry was to do it.

Here’s how you can join Saturday’s adventure

If you’d like to travel to the Ark Encounter™ with Saturday, Jump on this link and order his book “Saturday Encounters The ark” and meet Noah and everyone there. I promise you, and all your young ones will love the adventure. ~ Gitty Up, Dutch.

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