Welcome to the place I call “My other books.” As most authors, I enjoy more than one focused area of interest and because authors usually write stuff about their interests, I did too. I love love, so I wrote We’ll Have The Summer. A story about an enduring love, set on an Arizona guest ranch. And being a lover of great American Westerns, I researched and wrote two historical novels which follow the characters. Tom Named By Horse, set just before the great Indian wars in the giant Midwest, and From The Banks Of little Bear Creek, set in a time period about ten years later. Following the same characters.
Mature love so enduring it can overcome insurmountable obstacles. The power of love and the spirit of the horse come together to tell the story.
Tom finds himself wedged between honoring a friendship and staying true to the depths of his conscience. Amid a backdrop of tumultuous social upheaval in the 1860’s. He finds nothing except the woman he loves prepares him for the change about to thunder into their lives, sweeping them helplessly into the tides of human conflict and historical drama.
Three years later, Tom and his wife, Soft Cloud, have turned their little soddy into a thriving horse ranch. The wars of the past are behind them and the world around them is transforming. Herding their horses to market has become an annual event for Tom, his right hand man, Buck, and his crew. In the sprit of a good old John Wayne movie, vengeance, cattle and horse thieves, a dirty sheriff and corrupt mayor, and a wedding make this drive a ride you’ll want to tag along on.

books by Dutch books by Dutch