it’s for the horses

it’s for the horses

It’s for the Horses,

Truly is for the horses.

You’ll enjoy stories about their spirituality, communication, emotions, needs, care, connection, health, exercises, housing, foot care and more. This is not a book about riding or training horses. This is a book on my thoughts, ideas and suggestions on how folks might find the joy in doing things for the horse, with the horse’s point of view as the leading guide. It is my hope to help as many people as possible learn to hear the horse, feel their spirit, and in that way help horses and their people everywhere.

A horses advocates musing about their needs, spirit, gifts and care. 

<<<<<< Get your autographed copy here 



“I believe that things would immediately improve for every horse on this planet if we could affect one simple little change, one tiny little shift in perspective. Dutch Henry believes this as well and that is why I so strongly recommend his latest book, It’s For the Horses. Because if we could convince every horse owner on the planet to make every decision about their horses from the perspective of the horse, then everything would change immediately. Relationship, training and the health and happiness of the horse. Kathleen and I have proven it. Dutch Henry has proven it. And everything he has written in It’s For the Horses will lift you closer and closer to those goals. And closer and closer to your horses. Read it. You will not regret it. Nor will your horses.”

—Joe Camp

author of the national best-seller, The Soul of a Horse—Life Lessons from the Herd and its Amazon #1 best-selling sequel Born Wild—The Soul of a Horse


“Dutch Henry finds joy as he guides the horse/human relationship closer to and into this space. This project compiles Dutch Henry’s years of experience gathering helpful—sometimes life-altering—exercises for the horse. This ability to help the horse sometimes reciprocates in a life-altering shift in the human. Dutch has found and follows the guidance of horse professionals who honor that which he honors. These exercises are based on the truth of the whole horse—emotional, mental, physical. Enjoy the wonderful way of Dutch Henry’s writing. Enjoy soaking in this supportive way with your horse. Enjoy the shift in you and your horse’s relationship.”

—Diane J. Sept

Connected Riding Senior instructor and owner of Back To Basics Equine Awareness


“Dutch Henry is on a mission to help people see their horses with new eyes, to listen with new ears, to touch their lives with greater sensitivity and awareness. It has often been said that our horses are our greatest teachers. Dutch Henry, who has opened his heart, mind and soul to the horse, is living proof of that statement. Enjoy the learning as we join Dutch on a remarkable journey.”

—Bobbie Jo Lieberman

Editor-in-Chief, trailBLAZER magazine

The articles below are from the book and other observations of mine over the years in developing a successful relationship with the HORSE.

Please share your experiences in the comment section of the articles

Posture and Locomotion

Posture and Locomotion

Howdy Friends! “Posture and Locomotion.” Watching your horse casually stroll along is a great time to check her posture, and overall movement. Do you see the hind end propelling your horse, the big hind muscles lifting and pushing? Toes, the last to lift, pushing down...

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift

Howdy Friends! Tom stared at the pack of cookies on the fold down tray as the train came out of the tunnel. Seemed like a good time to open the little bundle of black cookies with creamy white filling that had been tempting him. Shifting in his seat, Tom was just...

it’s for the horses


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